TERASOLUNA Batch Framework for Java (5.x) Development Guideline - version 5.1.1.RELEASE, 2018-3-16

Creating a project

At first, use mvn archetype:generate of Maven Archetype Plugin and create a project.
A procedure to create a project by using Windows command prompt.

For details of how to create a project by using mvn archetype:generate, refer Create a project.

Through proxy server

If it is necessary to go through proxy server for connecting to internet, use Proxy settings of STS, and Proxy settings of Maven.

Execute following command in the directory wherein a project is created.

Command prompt (Windows)
C:\xxx>mvn archetype:generate ^
  -DarchetypeGroupId=org.terasoluna.batch ^
  -DarchetypeArtifactId=terasoluna-batch-archetype ^

Set interactively as shown below.

Value to be set while creating a project
Item name Setting example









Verify that "BUILD SUCCESS" is displayed for mvn command as shown below.

Implementation example
C:\xxx>mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=org.terasoluna.batch -Darchetyp
eArtifactId=terasoluna-batch-archetype -DarchetypeVersion=5.1.1.RELEASE
[INFO] Scanning for projects…​
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Maven Stub Project (No POM) 1
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

(.. omitted)

Define value for property 'groupId': org.terasoluna.batch
Define value for property 'artifactId': terasoluna-batch-tutorial
Define value for property 'version' 1.0-SNAPSHOT: : 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
Define value for property 'package' org.terasoluna.batch: : org.terasoluna.batch
Confirm properties configuration:
groupId: org.terasoluna.batch
artifactId: terasoluna-batch-tutorial
version: 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
package: org.terasoluna.batch.tutorial
 Y: : y
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Using following parameters for creating project from Archetype: terasolun
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Parameter: groupId, Value: org.terasoluna.batch
[INFO] Parameter: artifactId, Value: terasoluna-batch-tutorial
[INFO] Parameter: version, Value: 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] Parameter: package, Value: org.terasoluna.batch.tutorial
[INFO] Parameter: packageInPathFormat, Value: org/terasoluna/batch/tutorial
[INFO] Parameter: package, Value: org.terasoluna.batch.tutorial
[INFO] Parameter: version, Value: 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] Parameter: groupId, Value: org.terasoluna.batch
[INFO] Parameter: artifactId, Value: terasoluna-batch-tutorial
[INFO] Project created from Archetype in dir: C:\xxx\terasoluna-batch-tutorial
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 45.293 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2017-08-22T09:03:01+09:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 16M/197M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Execute sample job and verify that the project was created successfully.

Execution of sample job (Verify that it is successfully created)
C:\xxx>cd terasoluna-batch-tutorial
C:\xxx>mvn clean dependency:copy-dependencies -DoutputDirectory=lib package
C:\xxx>java -cp "lib/*;target/*" ^
org.springframework.batch.core.launch.support.CommandLineJobRunner ^
META-INF/jobs/job01.xml job01

Verify that "BUILD SUCCESS" is displayed for mvn command and "COMPLETED" is displayed for java command, as shown below.

Output example
C:\xxx>cd terasoluna-batch-tutorial

C:\xxx\terasoluna-batch-tutorial>mvn clean dependency:copy-dependencies -Doutput
Directory=lib package
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building TERASOLUNA Batch Framework for Java (5.x) Blank Project 1.0.0-SN
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

(.. omitted)

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 9.462 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2017-08-22T09:12:22+09:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 26M/211M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

C:\xxx\terasoluna-batch-tutorial>java -cp "lib/*;target/*" org.springframework.b
atch.core.launch.support.CommandLineJobRunner META-INF/jobs/job01.xml job01
[2017/08/22 09:17:32] [main] [o.s.c.s.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext] [INFO ] Re
freshing org.springframework.context.support.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext@6204
3840: startup date [Tue Aug 22 09:17:32 JST 2017]; root of context hierarchy

(.. ommited)

[2017/08/22 09:17:35] [main] [o.s.b.c.l.s.SimpleJobLauncher] [INFO ] Job: [FlowJ
ob: [name=job01]] launched with the following parameters: [{jsr_batch_run_id=1}]

[2017/08/22 09:17:35] [main] [o.s.b.c.j.SimpleStepHandler] [INFO ] Executing ste
p: [job01.step01]
[2017/08/22 09:17:35] [main] [o.s.b.c.l.s.SimpleJobLauncher] [INFO ] Job: [FlowJ
ob: [name=job01]] completed with the following parameters: [{jsr_batch_run_id=1}
] and the following status: [COMPLETED]
[2017/08/22 09:17:35] [main] [o.s.c.s.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext] [INFO ] Cl
osing org.springframework.context.support.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext@6204384
0: startup date [Tue Aug 22 09:17:32 JST 2017]; root of context hierarchy

Import project

Import a created project to STS.
Select [File] → [Import] → [Maven] → [Existing Maven Projects] → [Next] from STS menu and select a project created by archetype.

Import Existing Maven Projects

Set C:\xxx\terasoluna-batch-tutorial in Root Directory and press [Finish] when pom.xml of org.terasoluna.batch is selected in Projects.

Select Maven Projects

When the import is complete, the following project is displayed as below in the Package Explorer.

Package Explorer
When a build error occurs after import

When a build error occurs after import, right click project name, click "Maven" → "Update Project…​", click "OK" to resolve the error.

Setting display format for the package

Display format of the package is "Flat" by default, but it should be set to "Hierarchical".
Click "View Menu" of Package Explorer (Down right arrow) and select "Package Presentation" → "Hierarchical".

Build project

For project structure, refer Project structure.

Verify / edit setup file

Verify setup file

A majority of the settings like Spring Batch and MyBatis are already configured in the created project.
For setting file of created project, refer Build project.

Customizing setting value

When implementing the tutorial, you do not need to understand the setting values that need customization according to user’s situation. However, you should read it before or after you perform the tutorial. For details, refer Settings for whole application.

Editing setting file

Change setting of H2 Database for implementing the tutorial. Changes in the setting are shown below.

  • It is possible to connect to database from processes of multiple batch applications without manually starting the server.

  • It is possible to connect to database when the data is retained even after terminating batch application processes.

Refer Features of H2 official document for details of H2 Database settings.

Basic details of editing are shown below.

Open batch-application.properties and edit admin.jdbc.url and jdbc.url as shown below.
Only the lines to be edited are described here for the sake of clarity in the example below, a new line is added after comment out instead of overwriting.

##  Application settings.

# Admin DataSource settings.

# Job DataSource settings.
Reasons for specifying same databaseName (batch-admin) for admin.jdbc.url and jdbc.url

Same databaseName is specified for admin.jdbc.url and jdbc.url, for connection settings of JDBC driver while implementing the tutorial.

As described in Settings of overall application, admin.jdbc.url is a URL used by FW(Spring Batch and TERASOLUNA Batch 5.x) and jdbc.url is a URL used by individual jobs.

Originally, it is preferable to separate databases used by FW and individual jobs.
However, it is not necessary to switch between the databases in this tutorial, this setting is used to enable easy reference to the table to be used in FW and tutorial.

Preparation of input data

Input data of jobs which inputs or outputs data by accessing database

Prepare input data to be used in A job which inputs or outputs data by accessing database.
Note that, implementation is not required when a job which inputs or outputs data by accessing database is not be to created.

Preparation of input data is shown with the following flow.

Execute a script at the time of job execution (while generating ApplicationContext) and initialize database by applying these settings.

Create table and initial data insertion script

Create table and initial data insertion script.

Create a sqls directory in the project root directory and store following 3 scripts.

  • A script to create a table (create-member-info-table.sql)

  • A script to insert initial data (normal) (insert-member-info-data.sql)

  • A script to insert initial data (abnormal) (insert-member-info-error-data.sql)

Contents of the file to be created are shown below.

    id CHAR(8),
    type CHAR(1),
    status CHAR(1),
    point INT,
TRUNCATE TABLE member_info;
INSERT INTO member_info (id, type, status, point) VALUES ('00000001', 'G', '1', 0);
INSERT INTO member_info (id, type, status, point) VALUES ('00000002', 'N', '1', 0);
INSERT INTO member_info (id, type, status, point) VALUES ('00000003', 'G', '0', 10);
INSERT INTO member_info (id, type, status, point) VALUES ('00000004', 'N', '0', 10);
INSERT INTO member_info (id, type, status, point) VALUES ('00000005', 'G', '1', 100);
INSERT INTO member_info (id, type, status, point) VALUES ('00000006', 'N', '1', 100);
INSERT INTO member_info (id, type, status, point) VALUES ('00000007', 'G', '0', 1000);
INSERT INTO member_info (id, type, status, point) VALUES ('00000008', 'N', '0', 1000);
INSERT INTO member_info (id, type, status, point) VALUES ('00000009', 'G', '1', 10000);
INSERT INTO member_info (id, type, status, point) VALUES ('00000010', 'N', '1', 10000);
INSERT INTO member_info (id, type, status, point) VALUES ('00000011', 'G', '0', 100000);
INSERT INTO member_info (id, type, status, point) VALUES ('00000012', 'N', '0', 100000);
INSERT INTO member_info (id, type, status, point) VALUES ('00000013', 'G', '1', 999901);
INSERT INTO member_info (id, type, status, point) VALUES ('00000014', 'N', '1', 999991);
INSERT INTO member_info (id, type, status, point) VALUES ('00000015', 'G', '0', 999900);
INSERT INTO member_info (id, type, status, point) VALUES ('00000016', 'N', '0', 999990);
INSERT INTO member_info (id, type, status, point) VALUES ('00000017', 'G', '1', 10);
INSERT INTO member_info (id, type, status, point) VALUES ('00000018', 'N', '1', 10);
INSERT INTO member_info (id, type, status, point) VALUES ('00000019', 'G', '0', 100);
INSERT INTO member_info (id, type, status, point) VALUES ('00000020', 'N', '0', 100);
INSERT INTO member_info (id, type, status, point) VALUES ('00000021', 'G', '1', 1000);
INSERT INTO member_info (id, type, status, point) VALUES ('00000022', 'N', '1', 1000);
INSERT INTO member_info (id, type, status, point) VALUES ('00000023', 'G', '0', 10000);
INSERT INTO member_info (id, type, status, point) VALUES ('00000024', 'N', '0', 10000);
INSERT INTO member_info (id, type, status, point) VALUES ('00000025', 'G', '1', 100000);
INSERT INTO member_info (id, type, status, point) VALUES ('00000026', 'N', '1', 100000);
INSERT INTO member_info (id, type, status, point) VALUES ('00000027', 'G', '0', 1000000);
INSERT INTO member_info (id, type, status, point) VALUES ('00000028', 'N', '0', 1000000);
INSERT INTO member_info (id, type, status, point) VALUES ('00000029', 'G', '1', 999899);
INSERT INTO member_info (id, type, status, point) VALUES ('00000030', 'N', '1', 999989);
TRUNCATE TABLE member_info;
INSERT INTO member_info (id, type, status, point) VALUES ('00000001', 'G', '0', 0);
INSERT INTO member_info (id, type, status, point) VALUES ('00000002', 'N', '0', 0);
INSERT INTO member_info (id, type, status, point) VALUES ('00000003', 'G', '1', 10);
INSERT INTO member_info (id, type, status, point) VALUES ('00000004', 'N', '1', 10);
INSERT INTO member_info (id, type, status, point) VALUES ('00000005', 'G', '0', 100);
INSERT INTO member_info (id, type, status, point) VALUES ('00000006', 'N', '0', 100);
INSERT INTO member_info (id, type, status, point) VALUES ('00000007', 'G', '1', 1000);
INSERT INTO member_info (id, type, status, point) VALUES ('00000008', 'N', '1', 1000);
INSERT INTO member_info (id, type, status, point) VALUES ('00000009', 'G', '0', 10000);
INSERT INTO member_info (id, type, status, point) VALUES ('00000010', 'N', '0', 10000);
INSERT INTO member_info (id, type, status, point) VALUES ('00000011', 'G', '1', 100000);
INSERT INTO member_info (id, type, status, point) VALUES ('00000012', 'N', '1', 100000);
INSERT INTO member_info (id, type, status, point) VALUES ('00000013', 'G', '1', 1000001);
INSERT INTO member_info (id, type, status, point) VALUES ('00000014', 'N', '1', 999991);
INSERT INTO member_info (id, type, status, point) VALUES ('00000015', 'G', '1', 999901);

Adding settings which executes script automatically while executing a job

Execute a script while executing a job (while generating ApplicationContext) and add definition of <jdbc:initialize-database> tag to initialize database.

Edit following 2 files.

  • Add path setting for script to be executed in batch-application.properties

  • Add definition of <jdbc:initialize-database> tag in launch-context.xml

Specific setting details are shown below.

Open batch-application.properties and add path settings of script to be executed in the end.

  • tutorial.create-table.script(A path for a script to create a table)

  • tutorial.insert-data.script(A path for a script to insert initial data)

Normal data and abnormal data are defined with the same property name to enable easy change of script to be executed, for the path of initial data insertion script, and commented out.

# Database Initialize

Open launch-context.xml, and add definition of <jdbc:initialize-database> tag, in <beans> tag.

<!-- database initialize definition -->
<jdbc:initialize-database data-source="jobDataSource" enabled="${data-source.initialize.enabled:false}" ignore-failures="ALL">
    <jdbc:script location="${tutorial.create-table.script}" />
    <jdbc:script location="${tutorial.insert-data.script}" />

Input data for a job which inputs or outputs data by accessing the file

Prepare input data to be used in A job which inputs or outputs data by accessing a file.
Note that, the implementation is not required when a job which inputs or outputs data by accessing a file is not created.

A storage directory is created for input and output files, and an input file is created for preparation of input data.

Create following 2 directories to store input / output files in the project root directory.

  • files/input

  • files/output

Create following 2 files under files/input.

  • Normal data input file (input-member-info-data.csv)

  • Abnormal data input file (input-member-info-error-data.csv)

Store input file with following details in created input file storage directory.

Contents of the file to be created are as below.


Preparation to refer database from STS

Since Data Source Explorer is used to refer database in this tutorial, configure Data Source Explorer.
Database can be referred and SQL can be executed on STS by using Data Source Explorer.

Database targets to be referred in the tutorial are as shown below.

At first, display Data Source Explorer View.
Select [Window] → [Show View] → [Other…​] from STS menu and press [OK] when Data Source Explorer is selected under Data Source Management.

Show View

Data Source Explorer View is displayed on the workbench.

Data Source Explorer View

Next, create a ConnectionProfile to connect to a database.
Right-click Database Connection of Data Source Explorer View, press [New…​] and display Connection Profile.
Then, select Generic JDBC, and click [Next] when H2 Database is entered in Name.
(Any value can be entered in Name.)

New Conenction Profile Type

Since Driver is not configured in the initial state, add a Driver to connect to H2 Database.
Click New Driver Definition button on the right side of Drivers drop down list, and display definition window of Driver.

Select Generic JDBC driver under Available driver templates, of Name/Type tab.

New Driver Difinition Name/Type

Next, open JAR List tab, click [Add Jar/Zip…​], select jar file of H2 Database and click [Open].

A location where jar of H2 Database is stored

jar of H2 Database is stored under lib directory of project root directory.
This is because dependency libraries are copied under lib directory by executing following command of Execution of sample jobs (Verify that they are created appropriately). Following command should be executed when lib directory does not store jar of H2 Database.

C:\xxx>mvn clean dependency:copy-dependencies -DoutputDirectory=lib package
New Driver Difinition JAR List

Next, open the Properties tab, set following contents, click [OK] and add Driver.

Any value can be set in Database Name. Other setting values are same as values set in batch-application.properties.

Values set in Properties tab
Property Value

Connection URL


Database Name


Driver Class


User ID


New Driver Difinition Properties

Verify that Driver is added to configured details and click [Finish].

New Conenction Profile Details

When Connection Profile is created, connection to H2 Database is displayed in Data Source Explorer View.

Data Source Explorer added Connection

Preparation to refer database from STS is now complete.
Settings of Data Source Explorer are verified in Verify operations of project.

Verify operations of project

Procedure to verify operations of project is shown below.

Execute job in STS

Procedure to execute job in STS is shown below.

Regarding how to execute job

Originally, a job is executed from shell script etc., however, in this tutorial, it is executed in STS for easy explanation.

Creating Run Configuration (Execution configuration)

How to create Run Configuration (execution configuration) using execution of sample job as an example is explained.

Select Java Application from STS menu - [Run] → [Run Configurations…​] → List of types, right-click → select [New], display Run Configuration creation screen and set value given below.

Value set in Main tab of Run Configurations
Item name Value


Execute Job01
(Set any value)



Main class


Run Configurations Main tab

Next, open Arguments tab and set value given below.

Value to be set in Arguments tab of Run Configurations
Item name Value

Program arguments

META-INF/jobs/job01.xml job01

Run Configurations Arguments tab

Click [Apply] when settings are completed.

Value to be set while creating Run Configuration

Parameters same as command for Execution of sample job (Verify that it is created successfully) are set in Run Configuration.
However, the class path is resolved automatically by STS while setting the project to Project of Main tab.
Parameters should be changed according to the job to be executed, for the parameters set in Run Configuration.
Note that, parameters of inputFile and outputFile are also required for the job accessing the file.

Job execution and results verification

How to verify job execution and results is explained.
Verification of execution results for the job explained here include console log verification and exit code verification for the job.

Use Debug View in this tutorial to verify exit code of job execution. How to display Debug View is subsequently explained.

Reasons to display Debug View

If Debug View is not displayed in STS, it is not possible to verify exit code while executing a job.
Result must be verified by displaying Debug View to convert the exit code of the job by listener in Job which performs exception handling by try-catch.

At first, a method to execute job is explained.

Select Execute job created in Creating Run Configuration (Execution configuration) under Java Application from STS menu - [Run] → [Run Configurations…​] → Type list, click [Run] to execute the job.

Run Job01

Verify execution results of the job in console log.
Job is executed successfully if the display is as shown below.

Run Job01 console

Next, display Debug View and verify the exit code of job execution.

Select [Window] → [Show View] → [Other…​] from STS menu, and click [OK] when Debug is selected under Debug.

Show View

Debug is displayed on the workbench.

Debug View

It can be verified that exit code of job execution is 0 by displaying <terminated, exit value: 0>.

When job execution fails in STS

When a job fails to execute in STS despite correct source code, there is a possibility to successfully execute it by resolving the incomplete build state. the procedure is shown below.
Select [project] → [clean] from STS menu.

Refer a database by using Data Source Explorer

A method to use database by using Data Source Explorer View is explained.

List of tables can be verified by opening the database BATCH-ADMIN in Data Source Explorer in hierarchy as below.

Show Tables

When Spring Batch metadata table (For details, refer metadata schema of JobRepository) and, Preparation of input data for the job which inputs or outputs data by accessing a database are implemented, verify that MEMBER_INFO table is created.

Next, records stored in the table can be referred by the method given below.

Right-click the table to be referred, select [Data] → [Edit] and you can refer a record stored in the table in table format.
An example referring to BATCH_JOB_INSTANCE table is shown below.


You can see that a job called job01 is executed.

Environment construction tutorial is now complete.

TERASOLUNA Batch Framework for Java (5.x) Development Guideline - version 5.1.1.RELEASE, 2018-3-16