TERASOLUNA Batch Framework for Java (5.x) Development Guideline - version 5.1.1.RELEASE, 2018-3-16


Generally, the batch system where the batch window is severe (time available for batch processing) is designed to reduce overall processing time as much as possible by operating multiple jobs in parallel (hereafter referred to as parallel processing).
However, it may happen that processing time does not fit in the batch window due to large size of one processing job.
In this case, a method to reduce processing time by dividing the processing data of a job and performing multiple processing (hereafter referred to as multiple processing) can be used.
Although parallel processing and multiple processing can be handled with the same significance, the definitions are given here as below.

Parallel processing

Execute multiple different jobs at the same time.

Parallel Step
Schematic diagram of parallel processing
Multiple processing

Divide the processing target of 1 job and execute simultaneously.

Partition Step
Schematic diagram of multiple processing

A method to use job scheduler and a method to use TERASOLUNA Batch 5.x are used for both parallel processing and multiple processing.
Note that, parallel processing and multiple processing in TERASOLUNA Batch 5.x is established on Flow control.

How to implement parallel processing and multiple processing
Implementation method Parallel processing Multiple processing

Job scheduler

It is defined to enable execution of multiple different jobs without dependencies to run at the same time.

It is defined to execute multiple identical jobs in different data scopes. Pass information to narrow down data to be processed by each job argument, to each job.
For example, divide data of 1 year for each month, divide by units such as area, branch etc.


Parallel Step (Parallel processing)
Perform parallel processing in steps.
Each step need not have identical processing and parallel processing can be performed for resources of different types such as database and file.

In the master step, a key to distribute target data is fetched and in the slave step, the distributed data is processed based on this key.
Unlike parallel step, the processing of the slave step is identical.

When job scheduler is used

Since one process is allocated to one job, it is activated by multiple processes. Hence, designing and implementing one job is not very difficult.
However, since multiple processes are started, the load on machine resources increase when number of synchronous executions increase.
Hence, when the number of synchronous executions is 3 or 4, a job scheduler may be used.
Of course, this number is not absolute. It would like you to used as a guide as it depends on execution environment or job implementation.

When TERASOLUNA Batch 5.x is used

Since each step is assigned to a thread, it is operated as one process with multiple threads. Hence, the difficulty level for design and implementation of one job is higher than while using a job scheduler.
However, since the process is implemented by multiple threads, the load on machine resources will not be as high as the time when job scheduler is used even when the number of synchronous executions show an increase. Hence, when number of synchronous executions is large (5 or more than 5), TERASOLUNA Batch 5.x may be used.
Of course, this number is not absolute. It would like you to used as a guide as it depends on execution environment and system characteristics.

One of the parallel processing methods that can be executed in Spring Batch is Multi Thread Step, however, its use in TERASOLUNA Batch 5.x is deprecated due to following reasons.

A Multi Thread Step method

performs parallel processing by multiple threads in chunk units.

Reason for deprecation

A majority of Readers and Writers offered by Spring Batch are not designed for multi-thread processing. Hence, issues like loss of data or duplicate processing are likely to occur resulting in low process reliability. Further, since the process is performed in multiple threads, a definite processing order is not established.
Even when ItemReader/ItemProcessor/ItemWriter is created on its own, various points must be taken into consideration in order to use Multi Thread Step like thread safe wherein difficulty of implementation and operation is high. Multi Thread Step is deprecated for these reasons.
It is recommended to use Partitioning Step (Multiple processing) as an alternative.

Existing ItemReader can be made thread safe by using org.springframework.batch.item.support.SynchronizedItemStreamReader. Even then issue of processing sequence is still to be considered, Multi Thread Step is not used in TERASOLUNA Batch 5.x.

When data is to be updated to one database by parallel processing and multiple processing, resource conflict and deadlock are likely to occur. Potential conflicts should be eliminated from the job design stage.

Distributed processing for multiple processes and multiple housings is included in Spring Batch as a function. However, since the failure design becomes difficult for TERASOLUNA Batch 5.x, it should not be used.

The usage method of this function is same in the chunk model as well as tasklet model.

Parallel processing and multiple processing by job scheduler

Parallel processing and multiple processing using a job scheduler is explained here.

For job registration and schedule setting, refer the manual of the job scheduler to be used.

Parallel processing of jobs using job scheduler

The processes to be executed in parallel are registered as jobs and schedules are set so that each job starts on the time. Each job can be registered as a different process.

Multiple processing of jobs using job scheduler

Processes to be subjected to multiple processing are registered multiple times and extraction scope of target data is specified by parameters. Further, the schedule is set to enable the respective jobs at the same time. Although each job is in the same process, data range to be processed must be independent.

How to use

A method to perform parallel processing and multiple processing in TERASOLUNA Batch 5.x is explained.

Parallel Step (Parallel processing)

A method of Parallel Step (parallel processing) is explained.

Parallel Step
Schematic diagram for Parallel Step
Description of schematic diagram

Separate processes can be defined for each step and can be executed in parallel. A thread is allocated for each step.

How to define Parallel Step is shown below using schematic diagram of Parallel Step.

Job definition of Parallel Step
<!-- Task Executor -->
<!-- (1) -->
<task:executor id="parallelTaskExecutor" pool-size="10" queue-capacity="200"/>

<!-- Job Definition -->
<!-- (2) -->
<batch:job id="parallelStepJob" job-repository="jobRepository">
  <batch:split id="parallelStepJob.split" task-executor="parallelTaskExecutor">
      <batch:flow>  <!-- (3)  -->
          <batch:step id="parallelStepJob.step.chunk.db">
               <!-- (4) -->
              <batch:tasklet transaction-manager="jobTransactionManager">
                  <batch:chunk reader="fileReader" writer="databaseWriter"

      <batch:flow>  <!-- (3)  -->
          <batch:step id="parallelStepJob.step.tasklet.chunk">
               <!-- (5) -->
              <batch:tasklet transaction-manager="jobTransactionManager"

      <batch:flow>  <!-- (3)  -->
          <batch:step id="parallelStepJob.step.tasklet.single">
               <!-- (6) -->
              <batch:tasklet transaction-manager="jobTransactionManager"

      <batch:flow>  <!-- (3)  -->
          <batch:step id="parallelStepJob.step.chunk.file">
              <batch:tasklet transaction-manager="jobTransactionManager">
                   <!-- (7) -->
                  <batch:chunk reader="databaseReader" writer="fileWriter"

Description Sr. No.


Define a thread pool to assign to each thread for parallel processing.


Define steps to be executed in parallel in <batch:split> tag in a format which uses <batch:flow> tag.
Set the Bean of thread pool defined in (1), in task-executor attribute.


Define <batch:step> wherein parallel processing is to be performed for each <batch:flow>.


Step 1 of schematic diagram :Define intermediate commit method processing of chunk model.


Step 2 of schematic diagram :Define intermediate commit method processing of tasklet model.


Step 3 of schematic diagram :Define batch commit method processing of tasklet model.


Step 4 of schematic diagram :Define intermediate commit method processing for non-transactional resources of chunk model.

Cases wherein processing performance deteriorates due to parallel processing

In the parallel processing, same process can be run in parallel by changing the data range, similar to multiple processing. In this case, data range is assigned by the parameters. At this time, if the amount of data to be processed for each process is small, footprints such as the amount of resources occupied at the time of operation and the processing time are worked disadvantageously in parallel processing, and instead the processing performance may be deteriorated.

Examples of footprints
  • Processing from opening for input resources to fetching initial data range

    • Resource open requires more processing time than fetching data

    • Similarly, a process which initializes memory area of data range requires time

Further, steps of common processing can be defined as well before and after Parallel Step process.

Example of Parallel Step which includes common processing steps
<batch:job id="parallelRegisterJob" job-repository="jobRepository">
    <!-- (1) -->
    <batch:step id="parallelRegisterJob.step.preprocess"
        <batch:tasklet transaction-manager="jobTransactionManager"
                       ref="deleteDetailTasklet" />

    <!--(2) -->
    <batch:split id="parallelRegisterJob.split" task-executor="parallelTaskExecutor">
            <batch:step id="parallelRegisterJob.step.plan">
                <batch:tasklet transaction-manager="jobTransactionManager">
                    <batch:chunk reader="planReader" writer="planWriter"
                            commit-interval="1000" />
            <batch:step id="parallelRegisterJob.step.performance">
                <batch:tasklet transaction-manager="jobTransactionManager">
                    <batch:chunk reader="performanceReader" writer="performanceWriter"
                            commit-interval="1000" />
Sr. No. Description


Define steps to be processed as preprocessing. Specify id set in <batch:split>, in next attribute.
For details of subsequent step specification using next attribute, refer "Sequential flow".


Define Parallel Step.
Define <batch:step> wherein parallel processing is to be performed for each <batch:flow>.

Partitioning Step (Multiple processing)

A method of Partitioning Step (multiple processing) is explained.

Partitioning Step
Schematic diagram of Partitioning Step
Description of schematic diagram

Partitioning Step is divided into processing phases of Master step and Slave step.

  1. In Master step, Partitioner generates a Parition Key to specify data range wherein each Slave step is processed. Parition Key is stored in the step context.

  2. In Slave step, Parition Key assigned on its own from step context is fetched and data for processing is specified using the same. Step defined for specified data for processing are executed.

In the Partitioning Step, although it is necessary to divide the processing data, either of the variable number and fixed number are handled for the number of partitionings.

Number of partitionings
In case of a variable number

Divide by department or process for each file existing in specific directory

In case of a fixed number

Process data by dividing overall data in fixed numbers

In Spring Batch, fixed number is called grid-size and data partitioning range is determined so that grid-size becomes Partitioner.

In Partitioning Step, number of partitionings can be significantly higher than the thread size. In this case, multiple executions are performed using number of threads and a step is generated wherein the process is not executed until the thread becomes empty.

Use case of Partitioning Step is shown below.

Partitioning Step use case
Use case Master(Patitioner) Slave Number of partitionings

A case wherein transaction information is divided or multiple processing is performed from master information
Aggregate processing for each department and for each month

DB (Master information)

DB (Transaction information)


A case wherein multiple processing is performed for one file from a list of files
Branch-wise multiple processing of transfer data from each branch (Aggregate processing for each branch)

Multiple files

Single file


A case wherein a large amount of data is divided by a fixed number or multiple processing is performed

A case wherein since recovery design other than re-run becomes difficult in case of a failure occurrence, it is not used the actual operation.
In case of a re-run, since all the records are processed again, merits of partitioning are eliminated.

Specify data range from grid-size and transaction information count

DB (Transaction information)


When number of partitionings are variable

A method wherein number of partitionings are made variable by Partitioning Step is explained.
Processing image is shown below.

Variable Partiton Number
Processing image diagram

An implementation method taking the processing image as an example is shown.

Defining Repository(SQLMapper) (PostgreSQL)
<!-- (1) -->
<select id="findAll" resultType="org.terasoluna.batch.functionaltest.app.model.mst.Branch">
        branch_id AS branchId,
        branch_name AS branchName,
        branch_address AS branchAddrss,
        branch_tel AS branchTel,
        create_date AS createDate,
        update_date AS updateDate

<!-- (2) -->
<select id="summarizeInvoice"
        branchId, year, month, customerId, SUM(amount) AS amount
    FROM (
            t2.charge_branch_id AS branchId,
            date_part('year', t1.invoice_date) AS year,
            date_part('month', t1.invoice_date) AS month,
            t1.customer_id AS customerId,
            t1.invoice_amount AS amount
        FROM invoice t1
        INNER JOIN customer_mst t2 ON t1.customer_id = t2.customer_id
            t2.charge_branch_id = #{branchId}
        ) t3
    GROUP BY branchId, year, month, customerId
    ORDER BY branchId ASC, year ASC, month ASC, customerId ASC

<!-- omitted -->
Implementation example of Partitioner
public class BranchPartitioner implements Partitioner {

    BranchRepository branchRepository; // (3)

    public Map<String, ExecutionContext> partition(int gridSize) {

        Map<String, ExecutionContext> map = new HashMap<>();
        List<Branch> branches = branchRepository.findAll();

        int index = 0;
        for (Branch branch : branches) {
            ExecutionContext context = new ExecutionContext();
            context.putString("branchId", branch.getBranchId()); // (4)
            map.put("partition" + index, context);  // (5)

        return map;
Bean definition
<!-- (6) -->
<task:executor id="parallelTaskExecutor"
               pool-size="${thread.size}" queue-capacity="10"/>

<!-- (7) -->
<bean id="reader" class="org.mybatis.spring.batch.MyBatisCursorItemReader" scope="step"
    <property name="parameterValues">
            <!-- (8) -->
            <entry key="branchId" value="#{stepExecutionContext['branchId']}" />

<!-- omitted -->

<batch:job id="multipleInvoiceSummarizeJob" job-repository="jobRepository">
    <!-- (9) -->
    <batch:step id="multipleInvoiceSummarizeJob.master">
        <!-- (10) -->
        <batch:partition partitioner="branchPartitioner"
            <!-- (11) -->
            <batch:handler grid-size="0" task-executor="parallelTaskExecutor" />

<!-- (12) -->
<batch:step id="multipleInvoiceSummarizeJob.slave">
    <batch:tasklet transaction-manager="jobTransactionManager">
        <batch:chunk reader="reader" writer="writer" commit-interval="10"/>
Sr. No. Description


Define a SQL wherein processing target is fetched from master data.


Define a SQL wherein fetched values from master data are considered as search conditions.


Inject defined Repository(SQLMapper).


Store master value processed by 1 Slave step in the step context.


Store each Slave in Map so that it can fetch corresponding context.


Define a thread pool to be assigned to each thread of Slave step in multiple processing.
Master step is processed by the main thread.


Define ItemReader for fetching data using master value.


Fetch master value set in (4) from step context and add to search conditions.


Define Master step.


Define processing to generate partitioning conditions of data.
Set Partitioner interface implementation, in partitioner attribute.
Set Bean ID of Slave Step defined in (12), in step attribute.


Since grid-size is not used in partitioner, set any arbitrary value in grid-size attribute. Set Bean ID of thread pool defined in (6), in task-executor attribute.


Define Slave step.
Set ItemReader defined in (7), in reader attribute.

When multiple processing is performed for each file from the list of files, Partitioner given below offered by Spring Batch can be used.

  • org.springframework.batch.core.partition.support.MultiResourcePartitioner

How to use MultiResourcePartitioner is shown below.

An example wherein multiple processing is performed for files
<!-- (1) -->
<task:executor id="parallelTaskExecutor" pool-size="10" queue-capacity="200"/>

<!-- (2) -->
<bean id="reader"
      class="org.springframework.batch.item.file.FlatFileItemReader" scope="step"
      p:resource="#{stepExecutionContext['fileName']}"> <!-- (3) -->
    <property name="lineMapper">
        <bean class="org.springframework.batch.item.file.mapping.DefaultLineMapper"
            <property name="lineTokenizer">
                <bean class="org.springframework.batch.item.file.transform.DelimitedLineTokenizer"

<!-- (4) -->
<bean id="patitioner"
      p:resources="file:#{jobParameters['basedir']}/input/invoice-*.csv"/> <!-- (5) -->

<!--(6) -->
<batch:job id="inspectPartitioninglStepFileJob" job-repository="jobRepository">
    <batch:step id="inspectPartitioninglStepFileJob.step.master">
        <batch:partition partitioner="patitioner"
            <batch:handler grid-size="0" task-executor="parallelTaskExecutor"/>

<!-- (7) -->
<batch:step id="inspectPartitioninglStepFileJob.step.slave">
        <batch:chunk reader="reader" writer="writer" commit-interval="20"/>
Sr. No. Description


Define a thread pool to be assigned to each thread of Slave step in multiple processing.
Master step is processed in the main thread.


Define ItemReader to read a single file.


In resouce property, specify the file split by MultiResourcePartitioner in input file.
MultiResourcePartitioner stores the file path in the step context using a key called "fileName".


Define MultiResourcePartitioner as Partitioner.


Multiple files can be handled by using a pattern wherein * is used.


Define Master step.
Definition contents are the same as contents of Partitioning Step described above.


Define Slave step.
Set ItemReader defined in (2), in reader attribute.

When number of partitionings are fixed

How to fix number of partitionings in Partitioning Step is explained.
Processing image diagram is shown below.

Fixing Partiton Number
Processing image diagram

How to implement is shown below using the processing image as an example.

Definition of Repository(SQLMapper) (PostgreSQL)
<!-- (1) -->
<select id="findByYearAndMonth"
        branch_id AS branchId, year, month, amount
        year = #{year} AND month = #{month}
        branch_id ASC

<!-- (2) -->
<select id="countByYearAndMonth" resultType="_int">
        year = #{year} AND month = #{month}

<!-- omitted -->
Implementation example of Partitioner
public class SalesDataPartitioner implements Partitioner {

    SalesSummaryRepository repository;  // (3)

    // omitted.

    public Map<String, ExecutionContext> partition(int gridSize) {

        Map<String, ExecutionContext> map = new HashMap<>();
        int count = repository.countByYearAndMonth(year, month);
        int dataSize = (count / gridSize) + 1;        // (4)
        int offset = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < gridSize; i++) {
            ExecutionContext context = new ExecutionContext();
            context.putInt("dataSize", dataSize);     // (5)
            context.putInt("offset", offset);         // (6)
            offset += dataSize;
            map.put("partition:" + i, context);       // (7)

        return map;
Bean definition
<!-- (8) -->
<task:executor id="parallelTaskExecutor"
               pool-size="${thread.size}" queue-capacity="10"/>

<!-- (9) -->
<bean id="reader"
      class="org.mybatis.spring.batch.MyBatisCursorItemReader" scope="step"
    <property name="parameterValues">
            <entry key="year" value="#{jobParameters['year']}" value-type="java.lang.Integer"/>
            <entry key="month" value="#{jobParameters['month']}" value-type="java.lang.Integer"/>
            <!-- (10) -->
            <entry key="dataSize" value="#{stepExecutionContext['dataSize']}" />
            <!-- (11) -->
            <entry key="offset" value="#{stepExecutionContext['offset']}" />

<!-- omitted -->

<batch:job id="multipleCreateSalesPlanSummaryJob" job-repository="jobRepository">
    <!-- (12) -->
    <batch:step id="multipleCreateSalesPlanSummaryJob.master">
        <!-- (13) -->
        <batch:partition partitioner="salesDataPartitioner"
            <!-- (14) -->
            <batch:handler grid-size="4" task-executor="parallelTaskExecutor" />

<!-- (15) -->
<batch:step id="multipleCreateSalesPlanSummaryJob.slave">
    <batch:tasklet transaction-manager="jobTransactionManager">
        <batch:chunk reader="reader" processor="addProfitsItemProcessor"
              writer="writer" commit-interval="10"/>
Sr. No. Description


Define a pagination search (SQL narrowing down method) to fetch a specific data range.
For details of pagination search (SQL narrowing down method),refer Pagination search of Entity (SQL narrow down method) of TERASOLUNA Server 5.x Development Guideline.


Define SQL to fetch total number of records for processing.


Inject defined Repository(SQLMapper).


Calculate data records processed by one Slave step.


Store data records of (4) in step context.


Store search start position of each Slave step in step context.


Each Slave is stored in the Map to enable fetching of corresponding context.


Define a thread poolto be assigned to each thread of Slave step in multiple processing.
Master step is processed by main thread.


Define ItemReader for fetching data by using pagination search (SQL narrow down method).


Fetch data records set in (5) from step context and add to search conditions.


Fetch search start position set in (6) from step context and add to search conditions.


Define Master step.


Define a process which generates partitioning conditions for data.
Set Partitioner interface implementation in partitioner attribute.
Set Bean ID of Slave step defined in (15), in step attribute.


Set number of partitionings (fixed number) in grid-size attribute.
Set Bean ID of thread pool defined in (8), in task-executor attribute.


Define Slave step.
Set ItemReader defined in (9), in reader attribute.

TERASOLUNA Batch Framework for Java (5.x) Development Guideline - version 5.1.1.RELEASE, 2018-3-16