TERASOLUNA Batch Framework for Java (5.x) Development Guideline - version 5.1.1.RELEASE, 2018-3-16


A method to execute the job asynchronously in Web container is explained.

The way to use this function is same in chunk model and tasklet model.

What is asynchronous execution of jobs by Web container

Web application that contains a job is deployed in a Web container and the job is executed based on information of sent request.
Since one thread is allocated for each job execution and operation is run in parallel, it can be executed independent of processes for other jobs and requests.

Function offered

TERASOLUNA Batch 5.x does not offer implementation for asynchronous execution (Web container).
Only methods of implementation will be provided in this guideline.
This is because the start timing of the Web application is diverse such as HTTP / SOAP / MQ, and hence it is determined that the implementation should be appropriately done by the user.

Usage premise
  • A Web container is required besides the application.

  • Besides implementation of job, required Web application and client are separately implemented according to the operation requirements.

  • Execution status and results of the job are entrusted to JobRepository. Further, a permanently residing database is used instead of in-memory database to enable execution status and results of job to be referred from JobRepository even after stopping Web container.

Difference with asynchronous execution (DB polling)

On the architecture front, immediacy at the time of asynchronous execution and presence or absence of request management table are different.
"Asynchronous execution (DB polling)" performs asynchronous execution of multiple jobs registered in the request management table.
On the other hand, this function does not require request management table and accepts asynchronous execution on the Web container instead.
It is suitable for a short batch which requires immediacy till the start of the operation in order to execute the operation immediately by sending a Web request.


Asynchronous jobs by using this method are operated as applications (war) deployed on the Web container, however, the job itself runs asynchronously (another thread) from the request processing of Web container.

sequence of async web
Sequence diagram of asynchronous execution (Web container)
Running a job
  1. Web client requests Web container to execute the job.

  2. JobController asks JobOperator of Spring Batch to start the execution of the job.

  3. Execute the job asynchronously by using ThreadPoolTaskExecutor.

  4. Return a job execution ID (job execution id) for uniquely identifying an executed target job.

  5. JobController returns a response including job execution ID for the Web client.

  6. Execute target job.

    • Job results are reflected in JobRepository.

  7. Job returns execution results. It cannot be notified directly to the client.

Confirm job execution results
  1. Web client sends job execution ID and JobController to Web container.

  2. JobController asks JobExplorer for execution results of job by using a job execution ID.

  3. JobExplorer returns job execution results.

  4. JobController returns a response for Web client.

    • Set Job execution ID in the response.

After receiving a request using Web container, operation is synchronised with the request processing till job execution ID payout, however subsequent job execution is performed asynchronously in a thread pool different from that of Web container.
As long as the query is not sent again in a request, it signifies that execution status of asynchronous job cannot be detected on web client side.

Hence, the request should be sent once at the time of "running a job" on the Web client side during one job execution. When "confirmation of results" is necessary, request must be sent once again to the Web container.
Abnormality detection which looks different from first "running a job" will be explained later in About detection of abnormality occurrence at the time of running a job.

Job execution status can be checked by referring direct RDBMS, by using JobRepository and JobExplorer. For details of the function which refer to job execution status and results, refer Job management.

About handling job execution ID (job execution id)

Job execution ID generates a different sequence value for each job even though job and job parameters are identical.
Job execution ID accepted by sending a request is persisted in external RDBMS by JobRepository.
However, when this ID is lost due to failure of Web client, specifying or tracking job execution status becomes difficult.
Hence, adequate preparations must be made on Web client side to cope with loss of job execution ID like logging the job execution ID returned as a response.

About detection of abnormality occurrence at the time of running a job

After sending a job run request from Web client, abnormality detection appearance varies along with job execution ID payout.

  • Abnormality can be detected immediately by the response at the time of running a job

    • Job to be activated does not exist.

    • Invalid job parameter format.

  • After running a job, queries regarding job execution status and results for Web container are necessary

    • Job execution status

    • Job start failure due to depletion of thread pool used in asynchronous job execution

"Job running error" can be detected as an exception occurring in Spring MVC controller. Since the explanation is omitted here, refer Implementation of exception handling of TERASOLUNA Server 5.x Development Guideline described separately.

Further, input check of the request used as a job parameter is performed in the Spring MVC controller as required.
For basic implementation methods, refer Input check of TERASOLUNA Server 5.x Development Guideline.

Job start failure occurring due to depletion of thread pool cannot be captured at the time of running a job.

Job start failure due to depletion of thread pool is not generated from JobOperator, hence it must be checked separately. One of the methods of confirmation include using JobExplorer while checking execution status of job and checking whether the following conditions are satisfied.

  • Status is FAILED

  • Exception stack trace of org.springframework.core.task.TaskRejectedException is recorded in jobExecution.getExitStatus().getExitDescription().

Application configuration of asynchronous execution (Web container)

The function is same as "Asynchronous execution (DB polling)" and use async and AutomaticJobRegistrar of Spring profile as a configuration specific to asynchronous execution.

On the other hand, prior knowledge and some specific settings are required in order to use these functions asynchronously (Web container). Refer "ApplicationContext configuration".
For configuration methods of basic async profile and AutomaticJobRegistrar, "How to implement applications using asynchronous execution (Web container)" will be described later.

ApplicationContext configuration

As described above, multiple application modules are included as application configuration of asynchronous execution (Web container).
It is necessary to understand respective application contexts, types of Bean definitions and their relationships.

Package structure of async web
ApplicationContext configuration
BeanDefinitions structure of async web
Bean definition file configuration

ApplicationContext of batch application is incorporated in the context, in ApplicationContext during asynchronous execution (Web container).
Individual job contexts are modularised from Web context using AutomaticJobRegistrar and it acts as a sub-context of Web context.

Bean definition file which constitute respective contexts are explained.

List of Bean definition files
Sr. No. Description


Common Bean definition file.
It acts as a parent context in the application and is uniquely shared among jobs acting as sub-contexts.


Bean definition file which is always imported from job Bean definitions.
If Spring profile is async specified at the time of asynchronous execution, launch-context.xml of (1) is not read.


Bean definition file created for each job.
It is modularized by AutomaticJobRegistrar and are used as respective independent sub-contexts in the application.


It is read from DispatcherServlet.
Define the Beans unique to asynchronous execution such as AutomaticJobRegistrar which performs modularization of job Bean definition and taskExecutor which is a thread pool used in asynchronous and parallel execution of jobs.
Further, in asynchronous execution, launch-context.xml of (1) is imported directly
and uniquely shared as parent contexts.


It acts as a parent context shared within the Web application by using ContextLoaderListener.

How to use

Here, explanation is given using TERASOLUNA Server Framework for Java (5.x), as an implementation example of Web application.
Kindly remember that only explanation is offered and TERASOLUNA Server 5.x is not a necessary requirement of asynchronous execution (Web container).

Overview of implementation of application by asynchronous execution (Web container)

Explanation is given based on following configuration.

  • Web application project and batch application project are independent and a batch application is referred from a web application.

    • war file generated from Web application project contains jar file generated from batch application project

Implementation of asynchronous execution is performed in accordance with Architecture wherein Spring MVC controller in the Web application starts the job by using JobOperator.

About isolation of Web/batch application project

Final deliverable of application build is a war file of Web application, however, a development project should be implemented by separating Web/batch applications.
Since it is a library which can be operated by a batch application alone, it helps in identifying work boundary and library dependency besides making the development project testing easier to implement.

Web/batch development is explained now assuming the use of 2 components below.

  • Batch application project by TERASOLUNA Batch 5.x

  • Web application project by TERASOLUNA Server 5.x

For how to create a batch application project and how to implement a basic job, refer "How to create a project", "Creation of tasklet model job", "Creation of chunk model job".

Here, we will focus on starting a batch application from a Web application.

Here, explanation is given by creating a batch application project, by using Maven archetype:generate.

How to create a job project
Name Value









A job registered from the beginning for a blank project is used for convenience of explanation.

Job used for explanation
Name Description

Job name


Job parameter


Precautions for asynchronous execution (Web container) job design

Individual jobs are completed in a short period of time as a characteristic of asynchronous execution (Web container) and are operated in a stateless manner on the Web container.
Further, it is necessary to build a job definition with only a single step to avoid complexity and it is desirable not to define flow branching by using exit codes of step and parallel/multiple processing.

Create a Web application as a state wherein a jar file including a job implementation can be created.

Implementation of Web application

How to implement a Web application is explained by using a blank project offered by TERASOLUNA Server 5.x. For details, refer TERASOLUNA Server 5.x Development Guideline Creating a development project for Web application.

Here, similar to asynchronous execution application project, it is assumed that the project is created with the following values.

Example of Web container project creation
Name Value









About naming of groupId

Although naming a project is optional, when a batch application as a Maven multiproject is considered as a sub-module, it is easy to manage if groupId is integrated.
Here, groupId of both is considered as org.terasoluna.batch.sample.

Various settings

Include batch application as a part of Web application

Edit pom.xml and include batch application as a part of Web application.

This procedure is unnecessary if you register a batch application as jar in NEXUS or Maven local repository and make it as a separate project from the web application.
However, be aware that the target built by Maven is a different project, and even if you modify the batch application, it will not be reflected when building the web application.

directory structure
Directory structure
  <!-- omitted -->
    <module>asyncbatch</module> <!-- (1) -->
  <groupId>org.terasoluna.batch.sample</groupId> <!-- (2) -->
  <version>1.0-SNAPSHOT</version> <!-- (2) -->
  <!-- (1) -->
  <!-- omitted -->
Deleted / added contents
Sr. No. Description


Add settings for considering the Web application as a parent and batch application as a child.


Delete unnecessary description with deletion of child or sub-module.

Addition of dependent library

Add a batch application as a dependent library of Web application.

  <!-- omitted -->
  <!-- (1) -->
    <!-- omitted -->
  <!-- omitted -->
Details added
Sr. No. Description


Add a batch application as a dependent library of Web application.

Implementation of Web application

Here, a RESTful Web service is created as a Web application using TERASOLUNA Server 5.x Development Guideline as a reference below.

Setting for enabling Spring MVC component which is necessary for RESTful Web Service

Web application settings

At first, add, delete and edit various configuration files from the blank project of Web application.

For the explanation, an implementation which use RESTful Web Service as an implementation status of batch application is given.
Procedure will be same even when conventional Web application (Servlet/JSP) or SOAP is used. Read accordingly.

Bean definition file to be added/deleted from a blank project
Bean definition file to be added/deleted
Sr. No. Description


Since (2) is created, delete spring-mvc.xml as it is not required.


Create spring-mvc-rest.xml for RESTful Web Service. Description example of the required definition is shown below.

Description example of asyncapp/asyncapp-web/src/main/resources/META-INF/spring/spring-mvc-rest.xml
<!-- omitted -->
<!-- (1) -->
<import resource="classpath:META-INF/spring/launch-context.xml"/>

<bean id="jsonMessageConverter"

<bean id="objectMapper"
  <property name="dateFormat">
      <bean class="com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.util.StdDateFormat"/>

  <mvc:message-converters register-defaults="false">
    <ref bean="jsonMessageConverter"/>


<!-- (2) -->
<context:component-scan base-package="org.terasoluna.batch.sample.app.api"/>

<!-- (3) -->
<bean class="org.springframework.batch.core.configuration.support.AutomaticJobRegistrar">
    <property name="applicationContextFactories">
        <bean class="org.springframework.batch.core.configuration.support.ClasspathXmlApplicationContextsFactoryBean">
            <property name="resources">
    <property name="jobLoader">
        <bean class="org.springframework.batch.core.configuration.support.DefaultJobLoader"

<!-- (4) -->
<task:executor id="taskExecutor" pool-size="3" queue-capacity="10"/>

<!-- (5) -->
<bean id="jobLauncher" class="org.springframework.batch.core.launch.support.SimpleJobLauncher"
<!-- omitted -->
Description example of asyncapp/asyncapp-web/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml
<!-- omitted -->
        <!-- (6) -->
    <!-- (7) -->

<!-- omitted -->
RESTful Web Service validation example
Sr. No. Description


Import launch-context.xml which is in the batch application and incorporate required Bean definition.


Describe package for dynamically scanning the controller.


Describe a Bean definition of AutomaticJobRegistrar which dynamically loads as a child or sub context by modularizing each Bean definition file.


Define TaskExecutor which executes the job asynchronously.
Asynchronous execution can be performed by setting AsyncTaskExecutor implementation class in TaskExecutor of JobLauncher. Use ThreadPoolTaskExecutor which is one of the components of AsyncTaskExecutor implementation class.

Further, multiplicity of threads which can be operated in parallel can be specified.
In this example, 3 threads are assigned to the job execution and requests exceeding this number are queued upto 10. Queued job is in "not started" state, however REST request is considered to be successful. In addition, org.springframework.core.task.TaskRejectedException occurs when request for a job exceeds the upper limit of queuing and the job start request is rejected.


Override jobLauncher defined in launch-context.xml to enable taskExecutor of (4).


Specify spring-mvc-rest.xml described above as a Bean definition
read by DispatcherServlet.


Specify async which shows an asynchronous batch, as a profile of Spring Framework.

When async profile is not specified

In this case, a Bean defined in launch-context.xml which should be shared across Web applications is duplicated for each job.
Even in case of duplication, since the operation takes place at the functional level, it is difficult to notice an error and it may result in unexpected resource exhaustion and performance degradation. Must be specified.

Thread pool sizing

When the upper limit of thread pool is in excess, an enormous amount of jobs run in parallel resulting in deterioration of entire thread pool. Sizing should be done and appropriate upper value must be determined.
Besides thread pool of asynchronous execution, request thread of Web container and other applications working in the same enclosure must also be considered.

Further, a separate request must be sent from Web client for checking occurrence of TaskRejectException due to thread pool exhaustion and its re-execution. Hence, queue-capacity which waits for job to start must be set at the time of thread pool exhaustion.

Implementation of RESTful Web Service API

Here, "Running a job" and "Job status check" are defined as 2 examples of requests used in REST API.

REST API Definition example
Sr.No. API Path HTTP method Request/Response Message format Message details


Running a job

/api/v1/job/Job name




Job parameter



Job execution ID
Job name


Job execution status check

/api/v1/job/Job execution ID







Job execution ID
Job name
Job execution status
Job exit code
Step execution ID
Step name
Step exit code

Implementation of JavaBeans used in Controller

Create following 3 classes that are returned to REST client as JSON message.

  • Job run operation JobOperationResource

  • Job execution status JobExecutionResource

  • Step execution status StepExecutionResource

These classes are implementations for reference except for job execution ID (job execution id) of JobOperationResource and implementation of field is optional.

Implementation example of job run operation information
// asyncapp/asyncapp-web/src/main/java/org/terasoluna/batch/sample/app/api/jobinfo/JobOperationResource.java
package org.terasoluna.batch.sample.app.api.jobinfo;

public class JobOperationResource {

    private String jobName = null;

    private String jobParams = null;

    private Long jobExecutionId = null;

    private String errorMessage = null;

    private Exception error = null;

    // Getter and setter are omitted.
Implementation example of job execution information
// asyncapp/asyncapp-web/src/main/java/org/terasoluna/batch/sample/app/api/jobinfo/JobExecutionResource.java
package org.terasoluna.batch.sample.app.api.jobinfo;

// omitted.

public class JobExecutionResource {

    private Long jobExecutionId = null;

    private String jobName = null;

    private Long stepExecutionId = null;

    private String stepName = null;

    private List<StepExecutionResource> stepExecutions = new ArrayList<>();

    private String status = null;

    private String exitStatus = null;

    private String errorMessage;

    private List<String> failureExceptions = new ArrayList<>();

    // Getter and setter are omitted.
Implementation example of step execution information
// asyncapp/asyncapp-web/src/main/java/org/terasoluna/batch/sample/app/api/jobinfo/StepExecutionResource.java
package org.terasoluna.batch.sample.app.api.jobinfo;

public class StepExecutionResource {

  private Long stepExecutionId = null;

  private String stepName = null;

  private String status = null;

  private List<String> failureExceptions = new ArrayList<>();

    // Getter and setter are omitted.

Implementation of controller

A controller of RESTful Web Service is implemented by using @RestController.
In order to simplify, JobOperator is injected in the controller and the jobs are run and execution statuses are fetched. Of course, JobOperator can also be started by using Service from the controller in accordance with TERASOLUNA Server 5.x.

About job parameters that are passed at the time of running a job

The job parameter passed in the second argument of JobOperator#start() at running a job is String. When there are multiple job parameters, they should be separated by using a comma unlike CommandLineJobRunner of synchronous execution. Basically the format is as below.
{Job parameter 1}={Value 1},{Job parameter 2}={Value 2},…​

This is same as the method of specifying job parameters in "Asynchronous execution (DB polling)".

Example of implementing a controller
// asyncapp/asyncapp-web/src/main/java/org/terasoluna/batch/sample/app/api/JobController.java
package org.terasoluna.batch.sample.app.api;

// omitted.

// (1)
public class JobController {

    // (2)
    JobOperator jobOperator;

    // (2)
    JobExplorer jobExplorer;

    @RequestMapping(value = "{jobName}", method = RequestMethod.POST)
    public ResponseEntity<JobOperationResource> launch(@PathVariable("jobName") String jobName,
            @RequestBody JobOperationResource requestResource) {

        JobOperationResource responseResource = new JobOperationResource();
        try {
            // (3)
            Long jobExecutionId = jobOperator.start(jobName, requestResource.getJobParams());
            return ResponseEntity.ok().body(responseResource);
        } catch (NoSuchJobException | JobInstanceAlreadyExistsException | JobParametersInvalidException e) {
            return ResponseEntity.badRequest().body(responseResource);

    @RequestMapping(value = "{jobExecutionId}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
    public JobExecutionResource getJob(@PathVariable("jobExecutionId") Long jobExecutionId) {

        JobExecutionResource responseResource = new JobExecutionResource();

        // (4)
        JobExecution jobExecution = jobExplorer.getJobExecution(jobExecutionId);

        if (jobExecution == null) {
            responseResource.setErrorMessage("Job execution not found.");
        } else {
            mappingExecutionInfo(jobExecution, responseResource);

        return responseResource;

    private void mappingExecutionInfo(JobExecution src, JobExecutionResource dest) {
      for (StepExecution se : src.getStepExecutions()) {
          StepExecutionResource ser = new StepExecutionResource();
          for (Throwable th : se.getFailureExceptions()) {
Implementation of controller
Sr. No. Description


Specify @RestController. Further, when servlet mapping of web.xml is done by using @RequestMapping("job"), base path of REST API is contextName/api/v1/job/.


Describe field injections of JobOperator and JobExplorer.


Use JobOperator and start a new asynchronous job.
Receive job execution ID as a return value and return to REST client.


Use JobExplorer and fetch job execution status (JobExecution) based on job execution ID.
Return it to REST client after converting it to a pre-designed message.

Integration of Web/batch application module setting

Batch application module (asyncbatch) operates as a stand-alone application. Hence, batch application module (asyncbatch) consists of settings which are in conflict and overlapping with settings of Web application module (asyncapp-web). These settings must be integrated as required.

  1. Integration of log configuration file logback.xml
    When multiple Logback definition files are defined in Web/batch, they do not work appropriately.
    The contents of asyncbatch/src/main/resources/logback.xml are integrated into same file in asyncapp-env/src/main/resources/ and then the file is deleted.

  2. Data source and MyBatis configuration file are not integrated
    Definitions of data source and MyBatis configuration file are not integrated between Web/batch since the definition of application context is independent due to following relation.

    • asyncbatch module of the batch is defined in the servlet as a closed context.

    • asyncapp-domain and asyncapp-env modules of Web are defined as contexts used by entire application.

Cross-reference of data source and MyBatis settings by Web and batch modules

Since the scope of context for Web and batch modules is different, data source, MyBatis settings and Mapper interface cannot be referred especially from Web module.
Since initialization of RDBMS schema is also carried out independently based on the different settings of respective modules, adequate care must be taken not to perform unintended initialization due to mutual interference.

CSRF countermeasures specific to REST controller

When a request is sent for REST controller in the initialization settings of Web blank project, it results in a CSRF error and execution of job is rejected. Hence, explanation is given here assuming that CSRF countermeasures are disabled by the following method.

Web application created here is not published on the internet and CSRF countermeasures are disabled on the premise that REST request is not sent from a third party who can exploit CSRF as a means of attack. Please note that necessity may differ in the actual Web application depending on the operating environment.


Build Maven command and create a war file.

$ cd asyncapp
$ ls
asyncbatch/  asyncapp-web/  pom.xml
$ mvn clean package
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Build Order:
[INFO] TERASOLUNA Server Framework for Java (5.x) Web Blank Multi Project (MyBatis3)
[INFO] TERASOLUNA Batch Framework for Java (5.x) Blank Project
[INFO] asyncapp-web
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building TERASOLUNA Server Framework for Java (5.x) Web Blank Multi Project (MyBatis3) 1.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------


[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] TERASOLUNA Server Framework for Java (5.x) Web Blank Multi Project (MyBatis3) SUCCESS [  0.226 s]
[INFO] TERASOLUNA Batch Framework for Java (5.x) Blank Project SUCCESS [  6.481s]
[INFO] asyncapp-web ....................................... SUCCESS [  5.400 s]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 12.597 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2017-02-10T22:32:43+09:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 38M/250M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Start a Web container like Tomcat and deploy war file generated in the build. Detailed process is omitted.

Job start and confirmation of execution results using REST Client

Here, curl command is used as a REST client and an asynchronous job is started.

$ curl -v \
  -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-type: application/json" \
  -d '{"jobParams": "param1=value1"}' \
* timeout on name lookup is not supported
*   Trying
* Connected to localhost ( port 8088 (#0)
> POST /asyncapp-web/api/v1/job/job01 HTTP/1.1
> Host: localhost:8088
> User-Agent: curl/7.51.0
> Accept: application/json
> Content-type: application/json
> Content-Length: 30
* upload completely sent off: 30 out of 30 bytes
< HTTP/1.1 200
< X-Track: 0267db93977b4552880a4704cf3e4565
< Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
< Transfer-Encoding: chunked
< Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2017 13:55:46 GMT
e":null}* Curl_http_done: called premature == 0
* Connection #0 to host localhost left intact

From the above, it can be confirmed that job is executed with a job execution ID jobExecutionId = 3.
Subsequently, job execution results are fetched by using job execution ID.

$ curl -v http://localhost:8080/asyncapp-web/api/v1/job/3
* timeout on name lookup is not supported
*   Trying
* Connected to localhost ( port 8088 (#0)
> GET /asyncapp-web/api/v1/job/3 HTTP/1.1
> Host: localhost:8088
> User-Agent: curl/7.51.0
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 200
< X-Track: 7d94bf4d383745efb20cbf37cb6a8e13
< Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
< Transfer-Encoding: chunked
< Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2017 14:07:44 GMT
}* Curl_http_done: called premature == 0
* Connection #0 to host localhost left intact

Since exitCode=COMPLETED, it can be confirmed that the job is completed successfully.

When execution results of curl are to be determined by a shell script etc

In the example above, it is displayed upto the response message using REST API. When only HTTP status is to be confirmed by curl command, HTTP status can be displayed in standard output by considering curl -s URL -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}\n".
However, since job execution ID need to analyse JSON of response body part, REST client application must be created as required.

How to extend

Stopping and restarting jobs

It is necessary to stop and restart asynchronous jobs from the multiple jobs that are being executed. Further, when jobs of identical names are running in parallel, it is necessary to target only those jobs with the issues. Hence, job execution to be targeted must be identified and the status of the job must be confirmed.
When this premise is met, an implementation for stopping and restarting asynchronous executions is explained here.

Further, a method to add job stopping (stop) and restarting (restart) is explained for JobController of Implementation of controller.

Job stopping and restarting can also be implemented without using JobOperator.
For details, refer Job management and identify a method suitable for this objective.
Implementation example of stop and restart
// asyncapp/asyncapp-web/src/main/java/org/terasoluna/batch/sample/app/api/JobController.java
package org.terasoluna.batch.sample.app.api;

// omitted.

public class JobController {

    // omitted.

    @RequestMapping(value = "stop/{jobExecutionId}", method = RequestMethod.PUT)
    public ResponseEntity<JobOperationResource> stop(
            @PathVariable("jobExecutionId") Long jobExecutionId) {

      JobOperationResource responseResource = new JobOperationResource();
      boolean result = false;
      try {
          // (1)
          result = jobOperator.stop(jobExecutionId);
          if (!result) {
              responseResource.setErrorMessage("stop failed.");
              return ResponseEntity.badRequest().body(responseResource);
          return ResponseEntity.ok().body(responseResource);
      } catch (NoSuchJobExecutionException | JobExecutionNotRunningException e) {
          return ResponseEntity.badRequest().body(responseResource);

    @RequestMapping(value = "restart/{jobExecutionId}",
                    method = RequestMethod.PUT)
    public ResponseEntity<JobOperationResource> restart(
            @PathVariable("jobExecutionId") Long jobExecutionId) {

        JobOperationResource responseResource = new JobOperationResource();
        try {
            // (2)
            Long id = jobOperator.restart(jobExecutionId);
            return ResponseEntity.ok().body(responseResource);
        } catch (JobInstanceAlreadyCompleteException |
                  NoSuchJobExecutionException | NoSuchJobException |
                  JobRestartException | JobParametersInvalidException e) {
            return ResponseEntity.badRequest().body(responseResource);

    // omitted.
Implementation example of stop / restart using controller
Sr. No. Description


Specify "stop" for job being executed by calling JobOperator#stop().


Re-execute from the step where the job has terminated abnormally or stopped by calling JobOperator#restart().

Multiple running

Multiple running signify that a Web container is started for multiple times and waits for respective job requests.

Execution of asynchronous jobs is controlled by external RDBMS so as to connect to each application. By sharing an external RDBMS, it is possible to wait for an asynchronous job to be started across the same enclosure or another enclosure.

Applications include load balancing and redundancy for specific jobs. However, as described in Implementation of Web application, these effects cannot be obtained easily just by starting multiple Web containers or enhancing parallel operations. Sometimes measures similar to a general Web application need to be taken in order to obtain the effect. An example is given below.

  • One request processing operates in a stateless manner according to the characteristics of web application, however, asynchronous execution of batch is likely to have a reduced failure tolerance if it is not designed in combination with job start and confirmation of results.
    For example, even when Web container for starting a job is made redundant, it is difficult to confirm the progress and results of the job when the job execution ID is lost after starting a job due to failure on the client side.

  • A function to distribute request destinations on the client side must be implemented and a load balancer must be introduced in order to distribute the load on multiple Web containers.

In this way, adequacy of multiple starts cannot be necessarily determined. Hence, using load balancer and reviewing a control method to send requests by Web client should be considered based on the purpose and use. A design which does not degrade the performance and fault tolerance of the asynchronous execution application is required.

TERASOLUNA Batch Framework for Java (5.x) Development Guideline - version 5.1.1.RELEASE, 2018-3-16